MLA Sessions (1988—)

This page constitutes a log of the IVWS sponsored sessions at the MLA Conventions.

2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988


Archival Woolf, Presiding: Mary E. Wilson, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

“Teaching with Woolf Online,” Pamela L. Caughie, Loyola U, Chicago
“Queer Persistence: Chance Encounters and Revision in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway Page Proofs,” Zoë Henry, Indiana U, Bloomington
“Coterie Production as an (Anti-)Archival Practice,” Michelle Taylor, Harvard U
Respondent, Mary E. Wilson, U Mass Dartmouth


“Grossly Material Things”: Woolf and the New Materialism, Presiding: Kristin Czarnecki, Georgetown College

“Political Ecology and Postindividualist Subjectivity in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse,” Matthew Gannon, Boston College
“Virginia Woolf contra Deleuze: New Materialism and the Challenge of Ontological Incompleteness,” Kathryn Van Wert, University of Minnesota, Duluth
“Objects of Emotion,” Jane M. Garrity, University of Colorado, Boulder


Night and Day at 100Presiding: Mary E. Wilson, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

“Feminist Generations in Night and Day,” Mary Jean Corbett, Miami University of Ohio
“‘That vagulous phospheresence’: Mrs Hilbery in Mrs. Dalloway,” John Young, Marshall University
“Katherine as Mathematician in Night and Day,” Moyang Li, Rutgers University
“The Place of Night and Day,” Mary Wilson, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth


Woolf’s SpacesPresiding: Thais Rutledge, University of Texas, Austin

“’The Undiscovered Country’: Woolf’s Geography of Illness,” Katie Logan, University Commonwealth at Virginia
“A Place of One’s Own: The Need for Space in Mrs. Dalloway,” Thais Rutledge, University of Texas, Austin
“Point of View as Cognitive Mapping: Mrs. Dalloway’s Sense of Place,” Robert Tally, Texas State University
“Woolf’s Spatiality: Relational Bodies and Affective Spaces,” Celiese Lypka, University of Calgary


Virginia Woolf Scholars Come to Their SensesPresiding: Pamela L. Caughie, Loyola University, Chicago

“‘The Thing Itself’ and the Politics of Aesthetic Emotion,” Jane M. Garrity, University of Colorado, Boulder
“Woolfian Haptics: Touching on Moods and Modes,” Elizabeth Sheehan, Oregon State University
“Sensory Bewitchment: Elevating the Lower Senses in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway,” Allyson De Maagd, West Virginia University, Morgantown 


Textual WoolfPresiding: Mark F. Hussey, Pace University, New York

“How Should One Read a Draft? Virginia Woolf and Moments of Publication,” John Young, Marshall University
“Kindling Taste; or, How I Tried Going Paperless and (Finally) Became a Common Reader,” Benjamin Hagen, University of South Dakota
“Macroanalyzing Woolf,” Jana Millar Usiskin, University of Victoria

Woolf and DisabilityPresiding: Maren T. Linett, Purdue University, West Lafayette

“On Being Still: Woolf, Illness, and Immobility,” Louise Hornby, University of California, Los Angeles
“Woolf, Wheelchairs, Feminism,” Lisa Griffin, University of Saint Andrews
“Labor Pains: Disability, Work, and Reproduction in To the Lighthouse,” Matt Franks, Bates College


Virginia Woolf: Negotiating MemoryPresiding: Leslie Kathleen Hankins, Cornell Coll.

“(Re)Locating Laura: Disability and Retrospection in Memoirs from Virginia Woolf and Leslie Stephen,” Courtney Andree, Washington Univ.
“Fragments of Ritual and Memory: The Constructs of Woolf’s Between the Acts,” Joel Hawkes, Thompson Rivers Univ.
“Late Modernist Woolf and Literature as Collective Memory in ‘Anon,’ ‘The Reader,’ and Between the Acts,” Laurel Harris, Rider Univ.
“Organic Memory and Biographical Form in Woolf’s Flush,” Alexander N. Moffett, Providence Coll.

Things in Woolf, Presiding: Jane Garrity, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder

“Writing in Absentia: Woolf and the Language of Things,” Michelle Ty, Univ. of Calif. Berkeley
“The Thing in the Mirror: Woolf on the Self as Object,” Celia Marshik, Stony Brook Univ.
“Imperial Objects in The Waves,” Jane Garrity, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder

Bloomsbury, Politics, and the EssayPresiding: Andrea Adolph, Penn State Univ., New Kensington

“Some Rickety and Ramshackle Fabric”: Political Spectacles and Performative Essays in the Work of Virginia and Leonard Woolf,” Jeffrey Brown, Ursinus College
“Critically Modern: Dialectics of Dissent in the Essays of Virginia Woolf and Arundhati Roy,” Urvashi Vashist, University College London
“The Face on the Other Side of the Page: Imagining Justice with Woolf, Césaire, and Ngũgĩ,” Mara de Gennaro, Independent Scholar


Woolf, Wittgenstein, and Ordinary LanguagePresiding: Madelyn Detloff, Miami Univ., Oxford; Gaile Pohlhaus, Miami Univ., Oxford

“Woolf, Wittgenstein, and Nonsense: The Voyage Out as Therapy,” Megan M. Quigley, Villanova Univ.
“‘Stand Roughly Here’: Woolf, Keynes, and Ordinary Language in the 1930s,” Alice Keane, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor
“Dumb Colloquy: The Aesthetics of Conversation and Conversational Aesthetics of To the Lighthouse,” Erin Greer, Univ. of California, Berkeley

Virginia Woolf and Book HistoryPresiding: Leslie Kathleen Hankins, Cornell Coll. 

“A Library of Her Own: Virginia Stephen’s Books,” Beth Rigel Daugherty, Otterbein Univ. 
“An Experiment in Form and Content: Vanessa Bell and Virginia Woolf’s Monday or Tuesday,” Amanda Miller, Duquesne Univ.
“Blank Spaces: The Hogarth Press and ‘Lost’ Women Publishers,” Alice E. Staveley, Stanford Univ.

Virginia Woolf and London’s Colonial WritersPresiding: Elizabeth F. Evans, Univ. of Notre Dame 

“Virginia Woolf, the Hogarth Press, and South African Modernism,” Laura A. Winkiel, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder
“Virginia Woolf, Mulk Raj Anand, and the Novel of Political Transition,” Jeannie Im, New York Univ.
“Virginia Woolf’s Caribbean Connections,” Mary Lou Emery, Univ. of Iowa


Everyday WoolfPresiding: Tara Thomson, Univ. of Victoria

“Mrs. Dalloway and the Rhythms of Everyday Life,” Adam Barrows, Carleton Univ.
“Virginia Woolf and ‘the Modern Blessing of Electricity,'” Sean Mannion, Univ. of Notre Dame
“‘Acting Instantly His Part’: Moments of Being (at Work) in To the Lighthouse,” Kayla Walker Edin, Southern Methodist Univ.

Virginia Woolf and Katherine Mansfield: New Approaches for Comparative Studies, Presiding: Elleke Boehmer, Univ. of Oxford

“Sudden ‘Mushroom Growth of Cheap Psychoanalysis’: Mansfield and Woolf Respond to Psychoanalysis,” Patricia Moran, Univ. of Limerick
“Woolf and Mansfield and the ‘Masculine’: Relationships and ‘Technologies of Transmission,'” Bret L. Keeling, Northeastern Univ.
“‘Gift Enough’: Gifts and Desire in Woolf and Mansfield,” Kathryn Simpson, Univ. of Birmingham

Conrad and Woolf: Crossing the Boundaries of Fiction, Presiding: Kathryn Simpson, Univ. of Birmingham 

“Secrets, Shadows, and the Sea: Cross-Constructive Selfhood in Woolf’s The Voyage Out and Conrad’s The Shadow-Line,” Aaron Percich, West Virginia Univ., Morgantown
“Modernist Lighthouses and Woolf’s Refraction of Conrad’s Narrative Optics,” Susan Cook, Southern New Hampshire Univ. 
“Indifference, Autocracy, War: Ethical Interventions in Conrad and Woolf,” Rachel Hollander, Saint John’s Univ., Notre Dame Coll
Respondent, Debra Romanick Baldwin, Univ. of Dallas


Women of the Woolf: Influence, Affinity, ObscurityPresiding: Brenda S. Helt, Metropolitan State Univ.

“Not Another Judith Shakepeare: The Real Matriarchal Lineage of Mary Colum,” Denise Ayo, Univ. of Notre Dame
“Making Room for Olive Moore: A New Woman Responds to Virginia Woolf,” Renee A. Dickinson, Radford Univ.
“Other Hemispheres: Ling Shuhua, Katherine Mansfield, and Woolfian Influence,” Meghan Marie Hammond, New York Univ

Home and the Domestic: Virginia Woolf and Doris Lessing, Presiding: Suzette Ann Henke, Univ. of Louisville 

“The Grass Passes,” Dorian Stuber, Hendrix Coll.
“Foreign Bodies: Disunity at the Woolfian Domestic Dinner Party,” Lauren Rich, Univ. of Notre Dame
“Home and Family in Virginia Woolf and Doris Lessing: A Foucauldian Approach,” Yuan-Jung Cheng, National Sun Yat-Sen Univ.

Institutional Woolf, Presiding: Amanda Golden, Emory Univ. 

“Improving on ‘A Dog’s Chance’: A Room of One’s Own as a Reply to Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch’s On the Art of Writing,” Emily Kopley, Stanford Univ.
“Woolf in the Modern Library Series: Bridging the Gap between Academics and Common Readers,” Lise Jaillant, Univ. of British Columbia
“Translation in and out of the University,” Emily Dalgarno, Boston Univ.
“Virginia Woolf and Bloomsbury at Smith College,” Karen V. Kukil, Smith Coll.


Bloomsbury and AfricaPresiding: Danell Jones, Montana State Univ., Bozeman

“An Anti-Imperialist League of Their Own: The Hogarth Press, Kenya, Norman Leys, and Parmenas Githendu Mockerie,” Jeanne Dubino, Appalachian State Univ.
“Bunga Bunga: The Language of the 1910 Dreadnought Hoax,” Martyn Downer, Buntingford, England
“From Cosmopolitanism to Anti-Imperialism: William Plomer, the Hogarth Press, and Colonial Critique,” Laura A. Winkiel, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder

Dirt, Desire, Recollection: James Joyce and Virginia Woolf, Presiding: Bonnie Kime Scott, San Diego State Univ

“Woolf’s Gothic Modernism: Spirited Feminism in *To the Lighthouse*,” Bonita Rhoads, Masaryk Univ.
“Shitting on Empire: Metropolitan Abjection and Colonial Returns in Virginia Woolf’s London,” Katherine Merz, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison
“The Crumbs of Ulysses,” Abby S. Bender, New York Univ.
“Joyce, Woolf, and the Philosophy of Dirt,” Richard H. Brown, Univ. of Leeds

Sartorial Bloomsbury, Presiding: Jane M. Garrity, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder

“Bloomsbury’s Underwear: The Petticoat and Other Sartorial Fetishes,” Catherine R. Mintler, Univ. of Oklahoma
“Ottoline Morrell, Bloomsbury, and Avant-Garde Dress,” Celia Marshik, Stony Brook Univ., State Univ. of New York
“Vanessa Bell’s Sartorial Primitivism,” Jane M. Garrity


No MLA Convention was held in 2010 due to the shift in date from December to January.


The Uses of Illness: Woolf and Medical NarrativesPresiding: David Eberly

“‘A Sublime Complacency’: Religio Medici; or, Treating the Visionary’s Peril,” Rita Charon, Columbia Univ. 
“Facing Illness: Rethinking Ethics from Virginia Woolf’s Bedside,” Michelle Ty, UC Berkeley
“Illness and Metaphor: Virginia Woolf’s Illness Experience and the Motive for Metaphor,” Marcia D. Childress, Univ. of Virginia

Twenty-First Century Woolf, Presiding: Elizabeth Outka

“‘Private Ancestor’ and Postmodern Publication: Jeanette Winterson’s Virginia Woolf,” Laura Morgan Green, Northeastern Univ.
“Girls, the Woman Writer, and Third-Wave Feminism in A Room of One’s Own,” Tracy Lemaster, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison
“Resistant Commemoration: Mrs. Dalloway as Precursor to Twenty-First-Century Memorials,” Jonathan Readey, Univ. of Virginia
“‘For There It Was’: Visions of a Sustainable City in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway,” Patrick Nugent, Brooklyn Coll., City Univ. of New York


Troping the Light Fantastic: Woolf’s Use of Desire and PleasurePresiding: Brenda Helt, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

“The ‘power to cut and wound and excite’: Feeling and Communication after War in Mrs. Dalloway,” Wyatt Bonikowski, Suffolk Univ.
“The Concentrated Camp of Between the Acts” Sam See, Univ. of California, Los Angeles
“Music, Musicality, and Intimacy: Performing the Immaterial in Virginia Woolf’s The Voyage Out,” Bret Keeling, Northeastern Univ.

Orlando ‘s ‘House Was No Longer Hers Entirely’: Property in Virginia WoolfPresiding: Jamie L. McDaniel, Case Western Reserve Univ.

“Virginia Woolf, Great Men’s Houses, and Haunted Literary Properties,” Alison Booth, Univ. of Virginia
“Floating Real Estate, Modern ⁄ ist Time, and Chronotopics in Mrs. Dalloway,”Janet L. Larson, Rutgers Univ., Newark
“‘I’m dead, Sir!’: The Writings of C. P. Sanger and the Influence of Intestacy Law in Orlando,” Jamie L. McDaniel
Respondent ⁄ Discussant: Alexander M. Bain, University of Oklahoma 


New Modernist Studies and Virginia WoolfPresiding: Mark F. Hussey, Pace Univ., NY

“Virginia Woolf Studies in the Era of World Literature,” Sanja Bahun, Univ. of Essex
“Is Modernist Studies Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” Madelyn Detloff, Miami Univ., Oxford
“‘Speak to Me of Abduction’: Woolf and Sackville-West’s Wild Ride,” Joanna E. Grant, Auburn Univ., Auburn

Gastronomical WoolfPresiding: Andrea E. Adolph, Kent State Univ., Stark Regional Campus

“‘The Lamp in the Spine Does Not Light on Beef and Prunes’: Virginia Woolf on Privileged Dining and Intellectual Work,” L. Jill Lamberton, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor
“Virginia Woolf, X. Marcel Boulestin, and the Vogue for French Cooking in To the Lighthouse,” Leslie Kathleen Hankins, Cornell Coll.
“Nostalgic Appetites: Tracing Wartime Rationing in Woolf’s Between the Acts,” Andrea E. Adolph


Rereading Trauma in Woolf’s Fiction En(Corps), Presiding: David Eberly, Children’s Hospital Trust

“‘There was an emptiness about the heart of life’: Traumatic Shock, World War I, and Mrs. Dalloway,” Jane Lilienfeld, Lincoln University
“The ‘To Come’: Reading Trauma in To the Lighthouse,” Andrea Yates, University of Rhode Island
The Waves As Ontological Trauma Narrative: The Anxiety of a Death (Un)Foreseen,” Suzette Henke, University of Louisville
“Woolf’s ‘Precarious Lives’: Trauma and Communal Survival in Jacob’s Room and Between the ActsKimberly Coates, Bowling Green State University

Street Life: Woolf and Public Spaces, Presiding: June Dunn, Southeastern Louisiana State University

“An ‘Elegy Played among the Traffic’: Motor-Cars in Mrs. Dalloway,” Lisa Tyler, Sinclair Community College, Dayton, OH
“‘I Salute Thee; Passing’: Generic Hybridity and Urban Space in Woolf’s ‘Ode Written Partly in Prose,'” Adam Hammond, University of Toronto,
“Re-visioning the Great House: ‘Outsider’ Artists and Counterpublic Spheres in Virginia Woolf’s Between the Acts and ‘Anon,'” Melissa Sullivan, U of Delaware
Respondent: Vara Neverow, Southern Connecticut State University 


Intersections and Identities in Woolf Studies Presiding : Bonnie Kime Scott, San Diego State University

“‘Identity in Motion’: Virginia Woolf Writing across Identity Boundaries,” Pamela L. Caughie, Loyola Univ. , Chicago 
“Woolf’s No One: Anonymity as ‘Queer Individuality,'” Kevin M. Lamb, Cornell Univ. 
“Intersecting and Conflicting Claims on Woolf’s Antigone,” Keri Walsh, Princeton Univ. 

Virginia Woolf and Portraiture Presiding : Laura L. Runge, Univ. of South Florida , Tampa

“Consuming Passions: Leslie Stephen’s Photograph Album,” Karen V. Kukil, Smith Coll. 
“Queering History: Orlando , Knole, and the National Portrait Gallery,” Elizabeth Hirsh, Univ. of South Florida, Tampa 
“Vanessa Bell’s Portraits of Virginia Woolf,” Frances Spalding, Univ. of Newcastle. 
Respondent: Benjamin Harvey, Mississippi State Univ.


Virginia Woolf’s Essays, Presiding : Beth Rigel Daugherty, Otterbein College

“Relatives and Reviewing: Fitzjames, Leslie, and Virginia ,” Eleanor McNees, Univ. of Denver
“Performing the Notion of the Tourist in Woolf’s Essays,” Jeanne Dubino, Southeastern Louisiana Univ.
“Virginia Woolf and Freshman Composition: ‘Words do not live in dictionaries, they live in the mind,'” Leslie A Warden, Univ. of North Dakota 
“‘she does not work with her brain only’: Woolf’s Ellen Terry,” Andrea Adolph, Kent State Univ., Stark Campus 

Apart from The Hours : Virginia Woolf’s Continuing Presence on the Intellectual Scene, Presiding : Mark Hussey, Pace Univ.

“Woolf in Africa,” Anne Fernald, Fordham Univ.
“The Legacy of the ‘Outsider’s Society’: Woolf and Postcolonial Nationhood,” Erica L. Johnson, Chatham College , Pittsburgh
“Situating the Pain of Others: Pictures, Arguments, and Empathy,” Madelyn Detloff, Miami Univ. of Ohio 


Virginia Woolf & Contemporary Magazines & Journals of the 1920s and 1930s, Presiding : Leslie Kathleen Hankins, Cornell College

“Virginia Woolf and the Star Reviewers” Patrick Collier, Ball State Univ.
“The Transatlantic Woolf: Essaying an American Audience,” Beth Rigel Daugherty, Otterbein College
“Virginia Woolf & Friends & Cineastes in The Little Review, Broom, The Arts, Vanity Fair , and the British Vogue , Leslie Kathleen Hankins, Cornell College 

Virginia Woolf in the Archives, Presiding : Catherine W. Hollis, Lawrence Univ.

“The Maria Jackson Letters: Woolf and Familial Discourses of Embodiment,” Andrea E. Adolph, Kent State Univ., Stark Campus 
“‘Life on Tap down Here’: Reading Woolf as Author, Editor, and Publisher,” John Kevin Young, Marshall Univ. 
“‘Shd Be Suppressed’: Orlando and the Home Office,” Celia Marshik, State Univ. of New York , Stony Brook 


Virginia Woolf’s Geographical Imagination, Presiding : Jane Garrity

“Lyric Space in Woolf’s Fictional Figurations of Geography,” Susan Stanford Friedman, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
“Woolf’s Geographical Vision: Dreaming a World without Borders,” Holly Henry, California State University, San Bernardino.
“Bloomsbury and the Place of the Literary,” Sara Beth Blair, University of Michigan.
“Mapping ‘so much space’: Woolf’s Gendered Geography,” Jane Garrity, University of Colorado, Boulder.

Teaching Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, Presiding : Eileen Barrett and Ruth Saxton

“Mrs. Dalloway and the Carpe Diem Conventions,” David Leon Higdon, Texas Tech University
“A Space of Her Own: Women, Spatial Practices and Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway,” Antonia Losano, Middlebury College
“‘Are YOU in This?’ Popular Culture as an Approach to Mrs. Dalloway,” Meg Albrinck, Lakeland College
“Practically Speaking: Mrs. Dalloway and Life in the Professions,” Marcia Day Childress, University of Virginia School of Medicine


Women Who Ran with the Woolfs, Presiding : Molly P. Hite, Cornell Univ.

“Illusions of War in the Woolfs’ Outer Circle: Katherine Mansfield and Rose Macaulay,” Karen L. Levenback, Virginia Woolf Miscellany
“Virginia Woolf and Viscountess Rhondda’s Time and Tide,” Loretta A. Stec, San Francisco State Univ.
“Musical Counterpoint: The Intellectual Interchange between Virginia Woolf and Ethel Smyth,” Elicia Clements,York Univ., North York
“How Did the Academy Become Such a Wo(o)lfish Place?” Pamela Louise Caughie, Loyola Univ., Chicago

Reception Arranged by the International Virginia Woolf Society, 1528 8th St., New Orleans

Woolf and the Unsayable, Presiding : Diana L. Swanson, Northern Illinois Univ.

“‘These Flagging, Foolish Transcripts’: ‘Life,’ Literacy, and Orality in The Waves,” Tony E. Jackson, Univ. of North Carolina, Charlotte
“Metonymy and Mania: Speaking Circles around Sorrows,” Madelyn Detloff, California State Univ., Los Angeles
“Unsaying the Soul: Virginia Woolf at the Zen Center,” Leslie Kathleen Hankins, Cornell Coll.


Virginia Woolf and TranslationPresiding: Patricia Laurence, CUNY.

“Italian: Anna Banti translates Virginia Woolf.” Nicoletta Pireddu, Georgetown Univ. 
“American Translations: Michael Cunningham’s The Hours and Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway.” Sandra K. Stanley, California State Univ. Northridge 
“Japanese: Celebrating Woolf in a Transnational Age,” Masami Usui, Doshisha Univ., Japan 
“Greek: Woolf’s Agamemnon, Translation Theory and Practice,” Emily Dalgarno, Boston Univ.

Virginia Woolf on Religious Texts and TraditionsPresiding: Celia Marshik, 

“Virginia Woolf’s ‘Reoccupation’ of Christian Territory.”David Adams, Ohio State Univ., Lima 
“Mrs. Ramsay’s Last Supper: To the Lighthouse and the Passion of the Female Christ.” Patricia Juliana Smith, Hofstra Univ. 
“Virginia Woolf and Post-God Discourse.” Michael Donald Lackey, Univ. of Saint Thomas 
“Woolf, Milton, and the Revision of Prophecy.” Lisa Elaine Low, Pace Univ.


Virginia Woolf and the Everyday, Presiding: Lisa Ruddick, Univ. of Chicago

“Everyday Any Day: ‘Monday or Tuesday,'” Marianne DeKoven, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick
“Woolf and the Discipline of Everyday Life,” Mark Wollaeger, Vanderbilt University
“‘Eternally Seeing and Being Seen’: Death, the Ridiculous and the Sublime in Some Letters by Virginia Woolf,” Pierre-Eric Villeneuve, Brock Univ.
“Anon. as Poacher:  Virginia Woolf and the Practice of Everyday Life,” Molly Hite, Cornell Univ.

Virginia Woolf and Englishness, Presiding: Melba Cuddy-Keane, Univ. of Toronto

“Woolf’s Ethnographic Fiction: Othering Englishness in The Voyage Out,” Carey Snyder, SUNY, Stony Brook
“Redefining Englishness: Between the Acts and the History of the Modern English Pageant,” Ayako Yoshino-Miyaura, Waseda Univ. and Univ. of Sussex
“Siting Englishness in Virginia Woolf’s The London Scene,” Sonita Sarker, Macalester College


Woolf and Science in the Modern Period

“Subject /Object Boundaries: A Schizoanalysis of the Artist in Virginia Woolf’s Novels,” Catherine Ann Pavlish, Univ. of North Dakota
“Virginia Woolf’s Uncertainty Principle of Language,” Marilyn S. Zucker, University of Washington
“Virginia Woolf’s Androgynous Vision and Contemporary Scientific Discourses: Gender, Race and Sexuality,” Karen Kaivola, Stetson University.

Who’s Afraid of Leonard Woolf?

“Contemplating the End of Modernity: Leonard Woolf’s Early Thoughts on Government,” Wayne K. Chapman, Clemson University
“A Writing Couple: Shared Ideology in Virginia Woolf’s Three Guineas and Leonard Woolf’s Quack! Quack!” Patricia O. Laurence, City Coll. City Univ. of New York
“Leonard Woolf the Jew,” Beth C. Rosenberg, Univ of Neveda, Las Vegas
“Strange Crossings: Colonial Fictions and the Engagement of Virginia Stephen and Leonard Woolf,” Natania Rosenfeld, Duke University.


Virginia Woolf, Bloomsbury, and the Greeks, Presiding : Brenda Lyons, Holyoke Community College

“Sunnington, Cambridge, and ‘The World in Miniature’: The Search for Plato’s Symposium in E.M. Forster’s Maurice,” Richard Cooledge (Univ. of Arizona)
“Moments and Metamorphoses: Virginia Woolf’s Dialogue with Greece,” Rowena Fowler (Univ. of Bristol)
“‘The taste of Homer is in my mouth’,” Sara Beth Blair (Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
“Reading Greek, Singing Sappho: Virginia Woolf, Hope Mirrlees, and Lesbian Narrative,” William M. Harrison (Wichita State Univ.)

Woolf as Public Intellectual, Presiding :Jeanette McVicker (SUNY-Fredonia)

“Pedagogical Woolf: Between the Academic Devil and the Mass-Culture Sea,” Melba Cuddy-Keane (Univ. of Toronto at Scarborough)
“Author-ized Versions: Woolf as ‘Oppositional Intellectual’ in Three Guineas and other Missives,” Sonita Sarker (Macalester College)
“In Dialogue with History: Woolf’s ‘Additions and Deductions’ in A Room of One’s Own,” Karin E. Westman (Vanderbilt Univ)
“Virginia Woolf’s ‘Very Fine Negress’ and the Origins of Modernism,” Jane Marcus (CUNY)


Virginia Woolf’s Diaries and Letters, Presiding : Barbara Lounsberry and Pierre-Eric Villeneuve

“Circulating Genius: Woolf, Mansfield, Murray and Eliot,” Sydney Janet Kapan, Univ. of Washington
“Woolf’s Early Journals: Pieces for the Emegence of a Subjectivity,” Elene Cliche, Univ. of Quebec a Montreal
“Private Embodiment: People’s Physicality in Woolf’s Diaries,” Chris Buttram Trombold, Sam Houston State Univ.
“Epistolary Personae: Performance and Play in Virginia Woolf’s Letters,” Chrstine Froula, Northwestern Univ.

Virginia Woolf and Popular Culture: Media and Technology, Presiding : Brenda Silver

“Bloomsbury in Vogue,” Jane Garrity, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder
“Technomania and Technophobia in Woolf Studies: Explorations in Hypertext,” Rebecca Stephens, Carlow College
“Selling Out[siders]: Virginia Woolf and Walter Benjamin,” Leslie Kathleen Hankins, Cornell College


Virginia Woolf in the Twenties, Presiding : Sally Jacobsen

“A Modernism of One’s Own: Virginia Woolf’s Times Reviews and Eliotic Modernism,” Michael Kaufmann, Indiana Univ.–Purdue Univ., Fort Wayne
“Virginia Woolf, Vita Sackville-West and Radclyffe Hall: Configurations of Sexual Identity in the 1920s,” Karen Kaivola, Stetson Univ.
“Uninhibited Spending: Economics, Sexuality, and Motor Cars in Mrs Dalloway,” Michael Tratner, Stanford Univ.
“The Nurse Lugton’s Golden Thimble/Mrs Dalloway Nexus and Woolf’s Creation of a Domestic Modernism,” Genevieve Sanchis Morgan, Univ. of California, Davis

Virginia Woolf and the Multicultural Reader, Presiding: Theresa Thompson

“Orlando as Ambassador: The Orient as Scene of Transformation,” Susan Bazargan, Eastern Illinois Univ.
“Virginia Woolf: Community of Discourse,” Terry DeHay, Southern Oregon State College
“A Language of Peace: Virginia Woolf and Multicultural Literatures,” Elaine R. Ognibene, Siena College
“Embracing the Dodge: Reading Homosexuality in The Years and Between the Acts,” Stephen Barber, Duke Univ.


Virginia Woolf: The Constructs of Community in the Contexts of Fascism, Presiding: Merry Pawlowski

“Revising Freud’s Master Plot: Sexuality, Violence, and Civilization in Between the Acts,” Christine Froula, Northwestern Univ.
“Defying the Dic(k)tators from Freud to Fascism: Virginia Woolf and Penis Mockery,” Vara Neverow, Southern Connecticut State Univ.
“Community as Opposition: Virginia Woolf’s Antifascist Discourse,” Jessica Berman, George Washington Univ.
“Bodiless Heads versus Headless Bodies: Virginia Woolf’s Community of Rational Individuals in the Context of the Fascist State,” Molly Travis, Tulane Univ.

Virginia Woolf in the Age of Computers and Microform, Presiding: James Haule

“A Bloomsbury Multimedia Hypertext,” Joan Benson, Univ. of Iowa; Laurie Dickinson, Univ. Of Minnesota, Twin Cities
“Computer Collation and Censorship Issues in Roger Fry,” Diane F. Gillespie, Washington State Univ., Pullman
“The Virginia Woolf Manuscripts on Microfilm,” Lorie Freed, Research Publications International “Arts Computing,” Phil Smith, Jr., Univ. of Waterloo
“Roger Fry: Biography and Bibliography in the Age of Microfilm,” Panthea Reid Broughton, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge


Virginia Woolf and the History of Literary Criticism, Presiding: Beth C. Rosenberg and Jeanne Dubino

“Virginia Woolf and the Varieties of Historicist Experience,” Melba Cuddy-Keane, Univ. of Toronto, Scarborough Campus
“The ‘Gutter and Stamp System’: Virginia Woolf’s Reviewers and Critics,” Eleanor McNees, Univ. of Denver
“Virginia Woolf’s Revisions of ‘How Should One Read a Book?'” Beth Rigel Daugherty, Otterbein College

Virginia Woolf: Lesbian Readings, Presiding: Eileen Barrett

“‘A Novel about Silences’: The Voyage Out as Narrative of Lesbian Panic,” Patricia Juliana Smith, Univ, of California, Los Angeles
“Orlando at the Well of Loneliness,” Bonnie Kime Scott, Univ. of Delaware, Newark
“Here and Now: The Lesbian Possibility in The Years,” Patricia Cramer, Univ. of Connecticut, Stamford
“Coming Out in Between the Acts: A Portrait of the Artist as an Antimilitant Lesbian,” Annette Oxindine, Wright State Univ.


Virginia Woolf: Constructing Masculinities, Presiding : Richard Pearce

“‘And Now?’: Virginia Woolf and Male Change,” Melba Cuddy-Keane, Univ. of Toronto, Scarborough Coll.
“‘Wickham,’: Virginia Woolf’s Construction of Male Subjectivity,” Philip Weinstein, Swathmore Coll.
“Virginia Woolf’s Construction of Masculinity: A Narrative Model, A Reading of Mrs Dalloway,” Richard Pearce, Wheaton Coll., MA
“Virginia Woolf and Masculinity,” Pamela L. Caughie, Loyola Coll., Chicago

Virginia Woolf and the Avant-Garde(s), Presiding : Madeline Moore and Leslie K. Hankins

“The Russian Dancers: Virginia Woolf in Relation to the Vision and Design of Nijinsky, Nijinska, Bakst, and Goncharova,” Evelyn Haller, Doane Coll.
“Uninhabited Rooms, Selfless Biographies: The Game of Misleading Interiors in Virginia Woolf and Gertrude Stein,” Paula V. Smith, Grinnell College
“Levitating Ladies: Surrealist Suspension in Virginia Woolf,” Patricia Laurence, City Coll., City Univ. of New York
“Virginia Woolf Screening Avant-Garde Cinema: A Video Montage,” Leslie K. Hankins, Cornell College


“Who is This Woman Called Woolf? Critical and Biographical Constructions of Virginia Woolf, Presiding : Denise Marshall and Jane Lilienfeld

“The Politics of Constructing Woolf as an Incest Survivor,” Louise DeSalvo, Hunter Coll. City Univ. of New York
“Writing the Feminine: Virginia Woolf and the Making of Feminist Histor(iograph)y,” Sara Blair, Univ. of Virginia
“Virginia Woolf as a Literary Critic and Her Relation to the Institution of Literary-Critical History,” Jeanne Dubino, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst
“Imag(in)ing Woolf; or, The Perils of Popularity,” Brenda R. Silver, Dartmouth Coll.

Virginia Woolf’s Between the Acts: A Postmodern Text? Presiding : Judith Allen

“Postmodernism and the Question of Authority in Between the Acts,” James F. English, Univ. of Pennsylvania
“Postmodern Strategies of Placement: Virginia Woolf’s Between the Acts,” Bonnie Kime Scott, Univ. of Delaware, Newark
“The Gramophone in Between the Acts,” Susan Bazargan, Eastern Illinois Univ.
“Fascism, Feminism, and the Maternal: The Postmodern Condition in Between the Acts,” Robin Nilon, Temple Univ.


Virginia Woolf and Humor, Presiding : Vara Neverow-Turk

“Patriarchy Through the Looking Glass or Woolf’s Reflections on the Lords of Misrule,” Sara E. Culver, Grand Valley State College
“The Sense of Humor in Jacob’s Room,” Sebastian D.G. Knowles, Ohio State Univ., Columbus
“Carnivalesque Comedy in Between the Acts,” Christopher Ames, Agnes Scott College
“Potsherds from a Woolfen Archeology: Potshots at the Patriarchs,” Denise Marshall, Heidelberg College

Virginia Woolf and the Tradition of the Essay, Presiding : Marilyn Slutzky Zucker

“Virginia Woolf’s Essay Form: Paradigm for a Feminist Poetics,” Judith Allen Ward, Univ. of Delaware, Newark
“Virginia Woolf’s ‘Truths’ as Sleight of Hand,” Irene Papoulis, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara
“A Voice of One’s Own: Issues of Impersonality in the Essays of Virginia Woolf and Alice Walker,” Tuzyline Allan, Baruch College CUNY, New York
“Between Writing and Life: Woolf and de Beauvoir’s Use of the Essay,” Jeanette McVicker SUNY, Fredonia


Virginia Woolf and Autobiography, Presiding : Evelyn Haller

“‘Diamonds of the Dustheap’: Narratee, Event, Reaction, and Evaluation in Virginia Woolf’s Diary,” Steve Ferebee, North Carolina Wesleyan Coll.
“Virginia Stephen’s Voyage Out: Or, Rachel Vinrace Third-Worlds It,” David A. Falkner, Princeton Univ.
“The Outsider Theme in Woolf’s Diaries and Letters in Relation to Her Critique of Culture and Her Identity as a Writer,” Eileen Barrett, California State Univ., Hayward
“Virginia Woolf’s Textual Autobiography: The Waves,” Marilyn Zucker, State Univ. of New Tork, Stony Brook
Respondent: Louise A. DeSalvo, Hunter Coll., City Univ. of New York

Virginia Woolf: The Fiction, the Reality, and the Myth of War, Presiding: Mark Hussey

“Virginia Woolf, ‘War in the Village,’ and ‘War from the Streets’: An Illusion of Immunity,” Karen L. Levenback, Greorge Washington Univ.
“The Female Victims of the War in Mrs Dalloway,” Masami Usui, Michigan State Univ.
“To the Lighthouse and the Great War: The Evidence of Virginia Woolf’s Manuscript Revisions of “Time Passes,” James M. Haule, Univ of Texas, Pan American
Respondent: Tillie Olsen, San Francisco, CA


Virginia Woolf: Dismembering and Remembering Virginia Woolf’s Family of Origin, of Writings, of Fictions, of Friendships, Presiding : Jane Lilienfeld
“A Daughter Remembers,”: Louise DeSalvo, Hunter Coll., City Univ. of New York
“The Family Album: Fact and Fantasy,” Diane Gillespie, Univ. of Washington
“Virginia Woolf’s Matriarchal Family of Origins in Between the Acts,” Patricia Cramer, Xavier Univ., Cincinnati
“Leonard and Virginia Woolf’s Early Novels: The Narrative Interwoven,” Mark Hussey, Pace Univ., New York

Virginia Woolf’s Class Consciousness, Presiding : Judith L. Johnston
“Class Consciousness and Its (Dis)Contents,” Ronald Thomas Foster, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison
“Reading Between the Class Lines: The Women’s Cooperative Guild,” Camille Colatosti, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor
“On the Outside Looking Down: Life as We Have Known It and Three Guineas,” Mary M. Childers, Oberlin Coll.
Respondent: Tillie Olsen, San Francisco, C.A.