Sovay Muriel Hansen: Madness and Desire—Teaching Virginia Woolf alongside Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, and Other Artists

Those of us who study Woolf tire of the popular fascination with her mental illness. This may be because we feel that her health is merely one facet of a complex person and artist—a single aspect that seems to eclipse everything else about her in the popular imagination. That Woolf was mentally ill and tookContinue reading “Sovay Muriel Hansen: Madness and Desire—Teaching Virginia Woolf alongside Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, and Other Artists”

IVWS Office Profile: Kirsten Burningham (Membership Co-Coordinator)

Bio:  Kirsten recently graduated with a Master’s Degree in English Literature from Brigham Young University. Though her studies spanned the British literary canon, Woolf’s writing repeatedly surfaced in her research projects and papers. Her thesis investigates the connection between Woolf’s obsessive memories of her mother, which she psychoanalyzed in the process of writing To the Lighthouse (1927),Continue reading “IVWS Office Profile: Kirsten Burningham (Membership Co-Coordinator)”